Sunday, October 9, 2011

Today's Word: SUCCESSFUL

My friends and family know all too well that I have a great passion for words. If you've been following my blog for a while, you might have gathered that as well. I love words because words are incredibly powerful and because words create change. The right words encourage, motivate, inspire, empower and heal. The wrong words are toxic. They're hurtful and they break people down. They destroy. I like choosing words that breathe life into people. I prefer to choose words that encourage and empower. That's my preference and I believe it's how I'm wired. In April 2009, I wrote a piece about my love for words. If you're interested in reading it, you'll find it in my blog under April 2009. It's called: I Love Words! Today I happened to find a video from author and speaker John Maxwell. John Maxwell has written extensively through the years about leadership. I've read many of his books and attended a leadership conference during the summer of 2005 where he spoke about adding value to people. I walked away a changed person. It blessed me richly and it helped me become more demonstrative in appreciating others. If I can find a video on what he spoke about regarding adding value to people, I promise I'll post it on my blog. It's worth listening to.

The above link covers the topic of what success really means and what a successful person might look like. His words are true and resonate with me 100%. I hope this video blesses you today.

Until next time, 


Success is defined inwardly, by who we are. ~ John Maxwell

Those who know you best, love and respect you the most. If you can say that's true in your life then you my friend are successful. ~ John Maxwell