Monday, April 16, 2012

Life, Family, Love

Quiet, pensive, thankful morning. (Yes, the girls [my nieces] are still sleeping.) So thankful for our time together and the new memories we created in four days. Yesterday was a day filled with much laughter. At one point, we laughed so hard, we could hardly breathe. Pure awesomeness! Fantastic moment!

My heart feels so full, and in a way that only these lovely little girls can fill it. We’ve had four great days to catch up on you know … “stuff,” connect and create new memories. I learned that Leila, who is 9 1/2 wants to be a Cryptozoologist which I had never heard of until this past weekend but that's my Leila and Haley who will be 12 next month is thinking about becoming a writer. Awww .... And we’re always a little naughty when they come and stay with me. I let them eat ice-cream way past 8pm and we stay up until midnight most nights, okay every night chewing bubble gum, watching a late night movie or playing games.

This visit has made me realize how quickly they’re growing up. They’re smart, expressive, creative and wild dreamers. I love that about them!  Their company is easy because they're old enough to help in all sorts of ways as we plan and prepare for our days. I’ll miss them terribly after they leave today. My house was full of life, LOTS of energy and estrogen for 4 ½ days. I loved it, my cat Simone …. not so much. Together, we might have been a bit much for her. Leila especially loved hanging out with her big cousin Michael, my son. She never left or allowed him to leave without telling him she loved him, so sweet. She was always so excited when he came home. He's great with kids. 

Yes, today I’m thankful indeed. Thankful for life, family, and love and thankful for how these three things connect us and breathe life into us.

What are you thankful for today?

Until next time,

xx, Ruthie