Thursday, March 29, 2012


I love this quote (the one in the picture about grace) by Anne Lamott and wanted to share it with my readers today. I hope it blesses you. 

There is someone I met a year ago, well almost a year ago and this person that I met almost a year ago has experienced one very difficult year. Today is a very special day for her. I've thought about her on-and-off all day today. I prayed that today was richer, lighter and happier than what it felt like a year ago today. I hoped and prayed that she celebrated life and the extraordinary and beautiful woman that she is. I prayed that she felt super celebrated and loved and that her day was filled with gladness and beauty and indelible moments. If this special someone is reading this today, I want you to know that I have been praying for you. And if your days or if some days still feel difficult and heavy, don't believe the lie that it will feel like this always. Please believe in a better tomorrow despite how things might look and feel. Please remain hopeful and believe that God see's you, and hears you and wants to heal you. 

I trust and pray that you have been carried by my many prayers and that your days are filled with lightness and not darkness. Sometimes things happen for reasons we may not always understand and yes, these life-hurts will cause us to feel angry in our pain. Please choose better and not bitter. Bitter will kill you, it will cause you to feel dead inside and better will heal you. It's okay to be angry, just don't park yourself there. Allow me to share with you that you are never far from God or His heart or His healing touch. He loves you extraordinarily and if you seek Him and lean on Him, He will help you and strengthen you and heal you fully, totally and completely and in a beautiful and super-natural way. He will walk with you and guide you and help you see and understand in ways that will amaze you. 

My wish for you today, on your very special day is for God to bless you with the desires of your heart. I wish and pray that you will live and move and breathe with the knowledge that you are deeply loved by a holy God. I pray that you can feel His love in your inner-being. May God bless you in wild and extraordinary ways. 

Until then, remain hopeful. Keep on keeping on. Hope-fully. Seek-fully. Trust-fully so you can live-fully to experience joy, peace, truth and love as you have never experienced before. It can happen. God is way bigger than your pain. Release it, release it all to Him. He can handle it. A better and brighter tomorrow awaits you lovely lady because God specializes and delights in creating beauty out the ashes in our lives. Allow Him to do that for you. He waits for you, patiently, lovingly and with open arms, arms stretched wide. Blessings. 

Until next time ... wishing you peace and wholeness and a life time of happy days.

xx, Ruthie

Cast all your anxiety on Him because he cares for you. ~ 1 Peter 5:7