Monday, October 1, 2012

Did you know?

Did you know that God wants to make your life wonderful, worth living, and something to get excited about when you wake up every day

And do you know that today, God wants to reveal His love to you in a fresh, new way? In fact, He desires this for you, EVERY DAY!
God wants to make you whole, not just a little bit, not partially but complete-ly whole. Beloved He does NOT want you to spend the rest of your life hurting, not about a past hurt, or a current hurt or a hurt that will happen in your future. He is the ONLY One who can set you free. 

So today I implore you to open your heart and receive His goodness. I promise ... you will never regret this decision.

Last question: Have you made any plans to make your tomorrow better than your yesterday? You know, it’s never too late. 

Every day, is a "new" opportunity to do something, to think about or dream about something, to move your life in a direction that will make your tomorrow better. And one of the best things you can do is draw closer to God, to seek Him, to learn more about Him. You can even reach out to someone who can answer your many questions about God and decide today to surround yourself with positive people who will build you up and breathe life into you with their words. It's never too late beloved. Never ... 

Until next time, may the God of our beautiful universe speak into your life and into your heart in beautiful and super-natural ways, today and every day. God bless you dear one. 

xx, Ruthie

May the Lord bless you and keep you and may His face shine upon you. May He be gracious to you, lift you up and bless you with His peace.  ~Numbers 24-26

When God’s face shines upon you, that’s Big Daddy smiling at you, beloved.