When you walk through the storms of life, hold your head up
high and do not be afraid because the God who fashioned you in your mothers
womb, the God who loves you endlessly, walks before you and beside you and behind you.
How wonderful is that?! So walk courageously and confidently in the knowledge that you are not alone. You
are never alone and you never will be.
Because He over came, you can and will over come too.
What your heart needs to know is this: You are loved. You are beautiful. You
matter and you are never alone. Please mark these words on the tablet of your heart dear one.
Blessings to you and yours ….
Until next time,
xx, Ruthie
p.s. When I wrote these words, I had the heart of many of you in mind. I hope these words comfort you, encourage you and bless you in immeasurable ways. Below you will find a song posted on youtube that I thought was quite fitting for this post. The artist is Jason Gray and the title of the song is called: Remind me who I am. Sometimes we get a little lost in our pain or our discouragement or in our storm and we forget who we belong to (we belong to God, and God is for us, not against us) and we forget that we are loved and that we matter. Sweetness ... you are so loved and you do matter to Him. Don't believe the lie that you are not. God bless you ...
Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you. ~1 Peter 5:7
Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you. ~1 Peter 5:7