Monday, May 16, 2011

My Thankful Prayer

Dear God,

Today was a really great day. It was great because my spirit was filled with a deep sense of contentment and gratitude. It was a feeling I felt all day today. What an incredible gift. I’m content and grateful for where I’m at in life, for who I am and how I’ve evolved and grown as a person. I feel blessed and feel incredibly thankful tonight, thankful for so much. Thank you God for everything. Yes, everything. Every good and difficult thing serves a purpose in life. Good always feels sweet, deliciously sweet and difficult always teaches me a thing or two. And when I learn, I grow and when I grow, I'm better.

Tonight, life feels especially rich and sweet and lovely. I'm thankful for the special people in my life that make it so sweet. It’s a feeling I wish I could bottle and give as a gift to those I love, to those I care about and to those who need it, especially for those who need it.

Thank you. Thank you for everything!

My cup runneth over ...
