Dear friends and family:
It's been a long while since I've posted anything here on my blog. I hope to start again and I've had many of you, my followers, friends and family in mind as you have nudged me and encouraged me to think about and start blogging again. Thank you for the encouragement! I think it might be time to do just that as I have always had a love for writing.
Today I was thinking about the word hope during my quiet time and was thinking about how critical it is to hang on to hope for dear life during difficult seasons.
Hope really is everything, I've learned.
Of all the forces that make for a better world, none are truly more powerful than love and hope.
What I know for sure: God is the very essence of love.
And when we let God's love to permeate every area in our life and allow His love to move in us and through us, radical transformation occurs.
And with hope, one can dream. We can go on for one more day, one more hour if needed. If you have hope dear one, you have everything.
I hope your 2017 has gotten off to a great start. And in case it hasn't, in case there are some things that are still very present and hard and difficult that carried over into the new year, please keep hoping. Keep swimming. Please keep believing that your best days are still ahead of you.
Every hard season has an expiration date. Hold on to that truth as you put your trust and hope in the One who will carry you through, who loves you unconditionally and who wants the very best for you.
Cheers to your best year yet!!!
Sending love from Chicago,